2010年2月15日 星期一

The 1st Art Walk

During the Art Walk, the first gallery we attended was "New Traditionalists". It is a pretty big gallery, and it is the first gallery I visited in my life. I think it is pretty cool because the art works over there are not just a collection own by the owners of gallery, all the art works are really to sale but still allow people to appriciate before they are bought. I hope I can have a chance to drop a work over there. There are two purpose, 1. as a part- time job to earn extra money, 2. I would like to see how many people would appreciate my works. When someone come over to my art works and ask who drew them, I can step in front of them and said "I do" proudly. However, I can only happen in my dream because I can never compete will those professionals.

Here is one of my favorite ark work within those collection. It's name is "Birth of the New Consciousness." The artist used technique of collage to enriched the media and composition of this hugh painting. He sticked some real branches on the top of painted branches, so we can feel a sense of space on a two dimension art work. It is a very fine art work. The artist did a great job on sketching the line of muscle and various facial features. The color tone is blue, and this tone comfort audiences and presented the theme, the new consciousness, which should be processed in a calm situation. The artist used three big boards to paint this work. To reconnect them into a unique art piece, he used many lines and curly cut board to link them together. The strong light and dark contrast increased the space, it also pointed out the main idea of this painting. There are many signs which represented different meanings. On the left hand side, there are two people. A bunch of clips spreat out from girl's hands. For me, it showed a dark side of life. Including the serious looking of a man behind the girl. all of them formed a pressure for me. It gave out a message like, "we did many wrong things in our life, so we got many pressure and dark side emotion affected our mental. Fianlly, all of us would become the girl in the middle." A girl with a big hole on our body, and she got hurt in many place. We suffered many pain and can never escape from it. In addition, the thing on girl's head is a skull of goat. In some myths, it represents the incarnation of devil. It seems like all sinners became evil. To be rescued, we have to understand the truth of this world, which represented by a shining ball on the right hand side. The girl on the right hand side did not dress much, but she let audiences feel like primal, innocient, and she is finding out the truth of life. Therefore, this painting is a story. A story reflects a life cycle.

Overall, this gallery collected serveral style and types of art works like sculptures, photography,and paintings. Especially in New Traditionalism, I cannot find a very clear theme from those art works. If I really need to give it a name, I will call it "Mix & Match". We can see many arts from different cultures like, Indian, Euroupean, Modern, and Cuties. Although they do not have a very concentrated topic, but I got many inspiration from those creative and avant- garde art works. From this trip, I can be very sure that everyone is individual and can have more different kind of feeling by their personal experience. Although we are looking at the same art, which idea is obvious enough to guess, my friends and I can have a totally different idea.
It is very interesting but also fustrating. As an artist, I also like to present an idea or feeling to the public through my art works. From the example I listed above, I am not confident enough that I can present my message by art exactly the same as my original purpose. Is it because I did not put enough affort and energy into it? Or it is a question that has no solution. Human always thinks objectively, and it is the reason why we got various emotions and able to understand the artistic or abstractive ideas. It is really contradictive but very realistic. If we want to define an exact answer, we need to think subjectively. If we think objectively, we will have different idea depend on our emotion. Objective and Subjective are two things that can never mix together.

